Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Glasses

Hi guys!  Long time no post!  So here I have the pictures of my glasses modifications that you've been waiting for!  Warning, they are bad quality!

So as you can see, I used some little sticky tabs that I cut in half and stuck on the glasses!  Now they don't fall off even if I stand upside down or anything!

Plus, my sister McKenna could be visiting in a few days!  If she doesn't visit, then one of her friends will.  I'll have to make sure to get her a present.

<3 Kendal

Monday, September 3, 2012

Glasses Fixed

No, my glasses were never broken, but now they're fixed!  I don't have any pictures because my human's camera is sorta broken or something, but they were always slipping off and made me look like a complete idiot.  But then my human found some little fuzzy sticky things that you put on the bottom of chairs and stuff.  She cut it into little pieces and stuck it onto my glasses!  Now the create friction and prevent my glasses from slipping off!  I still don't wear them when I don't need them because I don't want them to stain my vinyl, but I'm so happy!  I'll try to post pictures soon!

And thanks for following, Priya!  My human needs to do it soon, but she's too lazy.

And here's an old picture because it's all I can post:

Yep, that's me!  And with my bad unfixed neon lime green glasses!  And a nice outfit...And great hair!