Monday, December 31, 2012

The Last Day

It's my last day as GOTY 2012.  Sigh.  Well, not really.  Because as I've said, I don't really consider myself to be the GOTY McKenna.  I have a different name and I'm a completely different person, er doll.  Anyways, here's Saige:

Rights go the

I have to admit, I'm jealous of that hair.  LOOK AT IT!!!  So anyways, Saige or "Genevieve Carter Marceaux" will be coming here before May, so I have a little time.

Sorry for a short post.  I'm just a little down if you know what I mean.  Off to the archives I go.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Woe is Me

I feel guilty.  Bad.  Here's something I should have shown you a long time ago:

My sister Kendra!  No, not my twin.  McKenna is still my twin.  She will always be my twin.  This is my sister!  She's 12, I'm 10!  She is a renamed Chrissa doll!  McKenna doesn't know yet!  Her human knows, but not McKenna!

So Kendra is a complete tomboy!  My human said that she has too many girly girls here, so Kendra is a tomboy!  She likes skateboarding, blue, and berets.  Sadly, we only own 1 beret, which is pink, so she has to wear it for now.  Human wants to sew her a blue one soon using a MyFroggyStuff tutorial.

PS: I posted this on my human's account since she didn't want to log out at the moment.  But don't worry, it's still me!  I'll try to post on my account next time.

Friday, December 7, 2012


So you've seen those Saige pics, right?  Well my mom is almost 100% sure she's getting her.  It really just depends on the reviews that come out, because we don't know what she looks like with her hair out yet.  But I think we all know she's coming here.  At least us dolls do!  We just don't know when.

*Photo from Doll Diaries.  All credit goes to Char.*

Well I have to admit, she's a pretty nice replacement for me.  But once she gets here, I'm so stealing her boots!  She can keep the dress, but I'm so taking those boots!  THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!  Anyway, I think she's admittedly really pretty.  She has red hair, and I mean real red hair, not that thing AG used on Callie that's a poor excuse for red.  More like strawberry blond.  She has aqua eyes.  And freckles!  My mom LOVES her.  I'm just happy that she's not ugly!  I'm guessing my mom will keep her artistic personality  So I'm sure I'LL get to do the intro post!  And I'm going to post pics of her here FIRST, so keep coming for a sneak peak!  AKA before my human's blog!  Yeah, I call her mom sometimes and human most of the time.  Get used to it  That's what Callie would say.