I feel guilty. Bad. Here's something I should have shown you a long time ago:
My sister Kendra! No, not my twin. McKenna is still my twin. She will always be my twin. This is my sister! She's 12, I'm 10! She is a renamed Chrissa doll! McKenna doesn't know yet! Her human knows, but not McKenna!
So Kendra is a complete tomboy! My human said that she has too many girly girls here, so Kendra is a tomboy! She likes skateboarding, blue, and berets. Sadly, we only own 1 beret, which is pink, so she has to wear it for now. Human wants to sew her a blue one soon using a MyFroggyStuff tutorial.
PS: I posted this on my human's account since she didn't want to log out at the moment. But don't worry, it's still me! I'll try to post on my account next time.